Class 11 Physics & Class 12 physics
Physics notes for class 11 and 12 – Here you will get direct links to important tutorials and problem set appropriate for class 11 and 12 students under higher secondary boards like CBSE, ISC and different state boards.
We have been continuously working to publish interesting articles/notes/tutorials for class 11 physics and class 12 physics students.
And this is a continuous process. We will upload physics numericals for ISC, CBSE and other exams and then their solution as well on a regular basis.
We have immediate plans to publish more numerical problems (level: medium, hard and harder level of difficulty) with solutions or hints for grade 11 physics and grade 12 physics.
These numerical problems not only help to prepare the board exams, these will help to face JEE level exams as well.
Just continue visiting and sharing the links.
As new notes and tutorial materials are being added regularly, we may need to modify/update these links as per requirement.
physics numericals and notes for class 11 and class 12 – cbse, isc, AP physics, GRE, SAT physics
class 11 physics & class 12 physics notes
Here you will get 2 types of articles or posts. The first one will enlist the links covering mostly numerical problems or Question Answer sets on physics for class 11 and 12.
And the second type of posts will cover conceptual understanding of fundamentals of physics with ample examples, derivation and graphics.
Selected Tutorial Sets
Pulley in Physics – concepts and solution
Vector in Physics (new)
Vector Subtraction
Impulse Momentum Theorem
Friction definition
Elevator physics with pseudo force
Physics problems with pseudo force and solutions
Pseudo force in Physics-did you know this?
A ball thrown vertically upwards – motion under gravity
Newton’s laws and Contact Forces between blocks
Velocity time graph
Viscosity – definition, derivation, coefficient of viscosity
Buoyancy – Meaning, Definition, Buoyant Force, formula and Archimedes
Torque in physics – equation, formula
Torque – Derivation of 3 formula sets
Torque Fundamentals with examples
Law of Gravitation – Universal law by Newton
Equilibrium of a rigid body-conditions and physics
Poisson’s ratio, Strain energy & Thermal Stress
Hooke’s Law – stress and strain – Modulus of Elasticity
Elasticity definition & what is more elastic-iron or rubber
Electric Charge, Triboelectric Charging – facts you must know
Projectile motion and Projectile motion equations-ready reference
Weightlessness in a Satellite-feeling weightless
Angular Momentum
First Law of Thermodynamics – so easy to understand
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics-thermal equilibrium
Escape velocity – Definition, Derivation of equation and Values
Generator Effect and Motor Effect – underlying Physics principle
Kepler’s Third Law equation derivation-Time period of Satellite revolution
Orbital Velocity of Satellite-derivation of 3 expressions
Acceleration due to gravity -how it changes with height and depth
Thermal Conductivity – Definition, Derivation, Dimension and Sample Values
Electromagnetics: Fleming’s Left hand Rule, Right Hand Rule, Maxwell’s Right hand grip rule
Critical Velocity & Circular motion in Vertical plane With Centripetal Force
Terminal Velocity, Free Fall, Drag force – concise notes for you
Centripetal Force Facts you must know if you are a PHYSICS student !
Elevator problems in Physics-5 Elevator Case Studies for you to solve
How Friction helps in walking?-explanation with free body diagram
3 Important Relationships between Circular Motion and Linear Motion Quantities
What will happen to a ball thrown vertically upwards?
Newton’s First Law of Motion doesn’t hold good for all frames of reference
How to calculate Mechanical Advantage of a Lever?
Mechanical Advantage formula
Problem Sets – class 11 physics, class 12 physics
NCERT – Laws of motion – problem & Solution
Vertical Motion – numericals with solution
79 Challenging Physics Problems and Questions-Physics Question Bank
Physics Numerical Problems and Question Sets
2 Challenging Sets of Physics problems and Questions to test your preparation
Physics problems – Solutions of selected numericals(set 1)