High School Physics


The effect of air resistance on projectile motion

In this post, we will find the effect of air resistance on projectile motion. We have seen that in the absence of air resistance, the trajectory or path followed by a projectile is a parabola and that the path depends only on the initial speed and angle of projection. But in the real world, all […]

Motion in 2 and 3 Dimensions – formula & numerical

We will discuss and list down the formulae of position, velocity, and acceleration related to the Motion in two and three Dimensions using unit vectors i, j, and k format. We will list down the 2-Dimensional equivalent of motion equations or suvat equations. Also, we will solve numerical problems using the formulas of the position […]

Horizontal projectiles – formulas with derivation

Horizontal projectiles are directed straight out as a horizontal projection. It undergoes downward acceleration under the influence of gravity and hence gets an increasing downward velocity. At the same time, the horizontal velocity of the horizontal projectile remains the same throughout the flight as there are no forces in the horizontal direction if you ignore […]

Vertical Projectiles vs. Horizontal Projectiles – a detailed comparison

In this post, we will make a comparison between Vertical projectiles and Horizontal projectiles. When an object is thrown or projected, into the air it’s named a projectile. Essentially, such a projectile (rock, football, bullet, golf ball, or whatever) could be directed straight upward as a vertical projection, directed straight out as a horizontal projection, […]

Laws of Motion class 9 – statement, & concepts

Statement of three laws of Motion along with their concept building – that is the objective of this post. Statement of three laws of Motion Here we state the 3 laws of motion: Read more about the 2nd Law of motion Read more about the 3rd Law of motion Laws of Motion – some very […]

Projectile Motion Formulas in a List

In the next section, we will list down the Projectile Motion Formulas or equations. (Projectile trajectory equation & other formulas like maximum height and horizontal range of the projectile, time of flight, etc.)


Any variation from moving at a constant speed in a straight line is described as acceleration.It is very important to realize that going faster, going slower, and/or changing direction are all different kinds of acceleration (changing velocities). Acceleration, a, is defined as the rate of change of velocity with time.If the acceleration is constant over […]

IGCSE Physics Definitions – Forces and Motion

IGCSE Physics Definitions from the Forces and Motion chapter are listed below. It contains definitions for vector, scalar, torque, CG, velocity, force, acceleration, and important laws like Newton’s laws of motion, Hooke’s law, etc. This post also includes reference links to detailed posts on respective topics that would certainly help the students of all boards […]

Derivation of the Equations of Motion | deriving ‘suvat equations’

Derivation of the Equations of Motion: To calculate quantities involving motion in a straight line at a constant acceleration we need four equations. These equations are often informally referred to as the ‘suvat equations’ after the symbols used for the 5 quantities involved. We will derive equations for the following 5 motion quantities: displacement (s), […]

How uniform acceleration is different from nonuniform acceleration?

Let’s see how uniform acceleration is different from non-uniform acceleration. Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity. We call an acceleration uniform when the change of velocity per unit time is constant i.e. velocity changes by an equal amount in an equal interval of time. In uniform accelerated motion velocity-time graph is […]

Kinematics equations – quick reckoner of motion equations

Here we have listed down important equations (or formula sets) related to Kinematics. You will get kinematics equations on position, displacement, total displacement, average velocity, instantaneous velocity, average speed, instantaneous speed, average acceleration, instantaneous acceleration, velocity from acceleration, the position from velocity, free-fall equations, etc. Kinematics equations – cheat sheet kinematic equations for uniformly accelerated […]

Projectile Motion Numericals class 11 | word problem worksheet

Here we will solve selected Projectile Motion Numericals for class 11 and will also provide solution guidance. To get a good grasp on this chapter we need to solve some numerical problems, which really helps us a lot to understand the basics and use the formulas. Earlier we published posts on the derivation of the […]

Distance-Time graph of various types with examples

This post is to discuss the Distance-Time graph with a few examples. A distance-time graph is a graphical representation of “how something moves”, pointing to the distance of the object from the starting point and the time instant from the staring moment along two axes of the graph. Distance-Time graph for stationary body Distance-Time graph […]

Multiple Choice Questions on Motion physics (MCQs on motion)

Motion in one dimension – Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ):In this post, we are presenting an awesome set of MCQs on Motion in one dimension. These multiple-choice questions will make you confident enough about this chapter, provided you try this MCQ paper to test your understanding. We found this set on the internet and thought to […]

Difference between average speed and average velocity

Speed and velocity both indicate how fast a body is traveling, but there is an important difference between these quantities. The average speed, v, of a body, is given by its rate of change of distance, whereas the average velocity, v, of a body, is its rate of change of displacement. The SI unit for […]

Average Acceleration Formula 

In this post, we have taken the Average Acceleration Formula as our topic of discussion. We will see how to define and find it, and how to solve sample numerical problems using the formula. This post is useful for class 11 students who are studying this chapter. When velocity changes an object is said to […]

Physics Calculator for Projectile Motion equations – online

Why Online Physics Calculator for Projectile Motion? This post presents you with a set of Projectile motion online calculators to calculate parameters like maximum height, maximum horizontal range, time for upward motion, the total time of flight, etc. If you use these calculators, you can easily and quickly find out how certain input parameters can […]

Inertia – meaning and definition

In this post, we discuss the meaning and definition of inertia. Inertia is an important concept in the kinematics chapter of physics. Understanding it helps us to get an idea of the inertial frame of reference.We will also see how mass is related to inertia. And, finally, we will study one example to understand inertia. […]

Numerical problems on Vertical motion

In this post we will solve harder numerical problems on Vertical motion physics. vertical motion is an interesting chapter in mechanics . Here you get selected problems to solve which will help you to test your understanding.

NCERT Solution of Laws of Motion problems – class 11 physics

NCERT solutions for class 11 physics chapter 5 laws of motion – This chapter covers selected problems from the chapter laws of motion. Here we are solving selected problems both from the Exemplar and NCERT Physics textbook. If any problem needs some coverage of fundamentals we are catering that also. We are giving the reference […]

Velocity time graph – Comprehensive Guide

The velocity-time graph is defined as a graphical representation of the velocity of a body in motion with respect to time. Generally, velocity is assigned to the y-axis, and time is pointed to the x-axis. This graph type is also written as a v-t graph or velocity-time graph. The diagram below depicts a few velocity-time […]

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