High School Physics + more


IGCSE Physics Definitions – Forces and Motion

IGCSE Physics Definitions from the Forces and Motion chapter are listed below. It contains definitions for vector, scalar, torque, CG, velocity, force, acceleration, and important laws like Newton’s laws of motion, Hooke’s law, etc. This post also includes reference links to detailed posts on respective topics that would certainly help the students of all boards […]

How is Stability of a body related to its Centre of Gravity?

The stability of an object is related to the position of its center of gravity (CG). If the vertical through the CG passes through the base of an object, then it is stable, otherwise, it is unstable and topples down. Bodies with low CGs and wide bases are more stable. Examples showing the relationship between […]

Collisions and Newton’s Laws of Motion – How to relate these?

This post covers how Collisions and Newton’s Laws of Motion are related. As collisions, we can take examples of the interaction between two bodies (gun-bullet, skater-skateboard, hose-water). For simplicity let us consider a simple collision between two balls and find out how Newton’s Laws of Motion can be applied to analyze the events related to […]

Numerical Problems on Equilibrium | Physics Worksheet

This post presents Numerical problems on Equilibrium. This physics worksheet will help students who are preparing for AP Physics, IIT JEE, and other competitive examinations to test their preparedness. This numerical set contains medium to hard problems from the equilibrium chapter. Numerical Problems on Equilibrium 1 ) A 50 kg uniform square sign, 2.0 m […]

Numerical problem on Terminal Velocity with solution

In this post we will solve Numerical problems on Terminal Velocity. Here is the first set. Numerical problem on Terminal Velocity with solution 1 ) Find the terminal velocity of (a) a steel ball bearing of radius 1 mm and (b) a steel ball bearing of radius 2 mm falling through glycerine in a cylinder. […]

Elastic collision and Inelastic collision

Collisions are often classified according to whether the total kinetic energy changes during the collision and as per this classification collisions are of 2 types, Elastic collision, and Inelastic collision. Let’s find out their definitions, types, and examples. We will also solve a Sample Numerical problem based on collision. Define elastic and inelastic collisions An […]

Coulomb Force Strength versus Gravitational Force strength

Coulomb Force Strength versus Gravitational Force Strength – How Strong is the Electrostatic or Coulomb Force Relative to the Gravitational Force? To find this we will calculate the electrostatic force and the gravitational force between an electron and proton separated by 0.530×10-10 m. (This distance is their average separation in a hydrogen atom) This will […]

Conservative force & Non-Conservative force

Often we hear these two terms as we discuss Work and Force in our physics class – conservative force and Non-conservative force. Here we will talk about these two and define them. Also, we will differentiate them and list examples for each of these forces for better understanding. So let’s start. Forces are either conservative […]

What is FBD, define, full form | draw Free Body Diagram

This post will tell you what FBD is, the definition and full form of FBD, and its purpose in physics and mechanics. Also, you will get a step-by-step guide on How to draw an FBD or Free Body Diagram while solving a problem in physics (mechanics). In physics, most problems are solved much more easily […]

Pressure Numericals class 9

In this post, you will find a set of Pressure Numericals for class 9, where we have solved selected practice problems based on the Thrust and Pressure formula. As a reference, we have added the definition, formula, and SI unit of pressure.

Fluid Pressure

In a fluid of constant density variation of pressure happens with depth. In this post, we will find out how pressure varies with depth in a fluid of constant density, and then derive the fluid pressure formula.

Pressure in physics

To understand the concepts of pressure in physics we will go through the following subtopics:
(1) definition of pressure in physics (2) formula of pressure in physics and (3) SI unit of pressure

Relative Velocity – definition, examples & Vector concepts

In this post, we will first define the term Relative Velocity, and then understand its necessity and importance to study the motion of an object. We will go through a case study with examples and then go deeper with the help of the Vector concepts. Relative Velocity definition of Relative Velocity Relative velocity: The velocity […]

Inertia – meaning and definition

In this post, we discuss the meaning and definition of inertia. Inertia is an important concept in the kinematics chapter of physics. Understanding it helps us to get an idea of the inertial frame of reference.We will also see how mass is related to inertia. And, finally, we will study one example to understand inertia. […]

Impulse – definition, formula, unit

Impulse Definition If a force acts on a body for a very brief time then we say that an impulse is generated. As example, when we hit a ball with a bat for a brief period of time then an impulse is generated. Here a considerable amount of force acts on a body for a […]

Elevator problems in physics with pseudo force

Elevator problems in physics with pseudo force – When an elevator is moving with an acceleration, it becomes a non-inertial frame of reference. We find it difficult to apply Newton’s laws of motion for a non-inertial frame of reference when the observer is a part of that reference. Here we will discuss the contribution of […]

Newton’s Second Law and equation of Force

Newton’s Second Law states that the rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the net force applied on it, and this change in momentum takes place in the direction of the applied force. Mathematically it can be stated this way: F∝ (mV-mU)/t. Here, F is the net force acting on the […]

Physics problems with pseudo force and solutions

Physics problems with pseudo force with solutions- these problems are going to be related to the noninertial frame of reference. Let’s solve an interesting numerical. A smooth inclined plane with an angle of inclination 30 o is moving with a constant acceleration a (as shown in the figure). When a block is placed on the […]

Contact Forces between blocks – Application of Newton’s laws

Application of newton’s laws: Newton’s laws of motion give us concepts of force (first law), measurement of force with its equation (second law), and the reaction of force (3rd law). Today we will discuss an interesting topic of mechanics – the application of Newton’s laws. It will cover a few interesting applications of Newton’s Laws […]

Pseudo force in Physics-did you know this?

 What is a pseudo force? – Some forces are real, whereas others are not. Real forces have some physical origin, such as a gravitational pull, frictional force, or tension of the string. In contrast, fictitious force or pseudo force arises simply because the observer is in an accelerating or non-inertial frame of reference, such as […]

Equilibrium of a rigid body-conditions and physics

A rigid body is said to be in mechanical equilibrium if both its linear momentum and angular momentum are not changing with time. In other words, the body is in mechanical equilibrium when it has neither linear acceleration nor angular acceleration. For a body of finite size to be in equilibrium:(i) the resultant force on […]

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