Types of Friction
Types of Friction
Types of Friction
Here, on this page, you can use a web-based Force calculator. Force Calculator Mass (kg): Acceleration (m/s²): Force (N): Calculate Let’s see how to use this calculator. – You have to provide values for any 2 parameters out of 3 parameters (mass, acceleration, and force) and You can get the value of the 3rd one. […]
We will talk here about a person’s Apparent weight in an elevator referring to bathroom scale reading in the elevator. Analysis Probably all of you have had the experience of riding an elevator and feeling sensations of heaviness or lightness as the elevator accelerates up or down. A few questions arise here in our mind: […]
In this post, you will find a worksheet based on Force and Pressure for class 8 students.
In this post, we will solve a set of Force Numerical problems for class 8 students.
Numerical based on Mercury Barometer
Let’s see how Mercury Barometer expresses atmospheric pressure in terms of the length or height of the mercury column as a variant of the manometer.
The U-tube manometer – objective, formula, use, and units
Liquid Pressure Numericals
In this post, we will discuss Liquid Pressure and related topics. What is liquid pressure | What is liquid pressure for class 8 Liquid pressure is the pressure exerted by Liquids on their container and on any object in the liquid inside the container. Properties of liquid pressure | Laws of liquid pressure Liquid pressure: […]
In this post, we will solve a few selected Numericals on Moment of Force for class 10. We have another post on Force Numericals for class 10 where you will find more such numericals to solve.
In this post, we will solve a set of numerical problems based on force, and moment of force from the syllabus of class 10 Physics of ICSE board.
Numerical Question on friction and air drag: A 1500 kg car has a front profile that is 1.6 m wide by 1.4 m high and a drag coefficient of 0.50. The coefficient of rolling friction is 0.02.
What power must the engine provide to drive at a steady 30 m/s if 25% of the power is “lost” before reaching the drive wheels? – solved here
A factory uses a motor and a cable to drag a 300 kg machine to the proper place on the factory floor. What power must the motor supply to drag the machine at a speed of 0.50 m/s? The coefficient of friction between the machine and the floor is 0.60. – solved
A block of mass 0.500 kg slides on a flat smooth surface with a speed of 2.80 m/s. It then slides over a rough surface with μk and slows to a halt. While the block is slowing,
(a) what is the frictional force on the block?
(b) What is the magnitude of the block’s acceleration?
(c) How far does the block slide on the rough part before it comes to a halt?
A 4000 kg truck is parked on a 15 degrees slope. How big is the friction force on the truck? [Friction Numerical]
A smooth wooden 40.0 N block is placed on a smooth wooden table. A force of 14.0 N is required to keep the block moving at constant velocity.
(a) What is the coefficient of sliding friction between the block and the tabletop?
(b) If a 20.0 N brick is placed on top of the wooden block, what force will be required to keep the block and brick moving at constant velocity?
If the coefficient of sliding friction between a 25 kg crate and the floor is 0.45, how much force is required to move the crate at a constant velocity across the floor?
Numerical Question: A 52 N sled is pulled across a cement sidewalk at a constant speed. A horizontal force of 36 N is exerted. What is the coefficient of sliding friction between the sidewalk and the metal runners of the sled?
When several forces act simultaneously on the same body, then the combined effect of the multiple forces can be represented by a single force, which is termed as ‘resultant force’. It is equal to the vector sum (adding the magnitude of the forces with their direction) of all the forces. If the resultant force of […]
In this post, we will list a set of examples of Inertia (in fact, for all 3 types of inertia) for class 9 students.
In this post, we will solve numerical problems based on Newton’s Second Law of Motion. Basically, these problems will be solved with the help of the equation of force in terms of the mass and acceleration of a body, that comes from the second law of motion. This set of numerical questions is good for class 9 students.
What is free fall class 9 – The falling of an object from a height towards the earth under the gravitational force of the earth (with no other forces acting on it) is called free fall. And such an object is called a freely falling body (or ‘freely falling object’). So, whenever a body (or object) falls towards the earth on its own, we say that it is under free fall or that it is a freely falling body (or freely falling object).
In this post, we will solve Numerical problems based on the Force and Pressure chapter of class 8 science. Here, first we will go through the formula of pressure & other related data, and then attempt the numerical questions. Solution & answer is given for all the numerical questions.
In mechanics, we can also express power in terms of force and velocity.
In this post, we will find out what unbalanced forces are. This will be as per the class 9 syllabus.
In this post, we will find out what balanced forces are. This will be as per the class 9 syllabus.
The earth attracts every object towards its center with a force that depends on the mass of the body and the acceleration due to gravity (g) at that place. The weight of a body is the force with which it is attracted toward the center of the earth.
In this post, we present a set of multiple-choice questions on Force and Laws of Motion class 9 MCQ. The answers to these MCQs are given after each question.
Work done by a conservative force in a closed loop is zero. We will show that mathematically here. Read this related topic: Conservative force vs Non-conservative force – a comparative study Work done by a Conservative force in moving a particle around a closed loop is zero – how to prove it As per the […]
Newton’s second law of motion provides us with the formula of force. We will use different forms of this formula in this post to solve a set of Numerical Problems on Force.
The following 2 sections will briefly cover the following:1) How in a simple machine input force (effort) is converted to output force or resistance force?2) How in a simple machine input work is converted to output work?These 2 sections take ‘bottle opener’ as a simple machine and explains the operation. Bottle opener – Input and […]
We use different types of machines in our daily life. They may be simple machines or complex machines. 1>Simple machines – Some machines are simple tools or simple machines like bottle openers, screwdrivers, and scissors. 2>Complex machines – Some machines are complex like bicycles and automobiles. These are called complex machines. A complex machine consists […]
In this post, we have solved a set of Thrust and Pressure Numericals for class 9. Before that, we will go through the formulas used to solve these force and pressure problems.
In this post, you will find a List of Common circular motions and the sources of centripetal force (in tabular format) for each of these motions. Any force can be a centripetal force. Centripetal force is an umbrella term given to any force that is acting perpendicular to the motion of an object and thus […]
In this post, we will define centripetal force and centrifugal force, and find out how these two differ from each other. We will also go through some examples of these forces. In this discussion, we will also understand what centripetal acceleration is. Defining Centripetal Force Centripetal Force (Fc) is the force that sustains the circular […]
A block and tackle is a compact system of pulleys designed to raise heavy loads. The block and tackle system has one cable or rope wound around two separate sets of pulleys. The pulleys of each set rotate freely on the same axle. The upper set is fixed to a support, and the lower set […]
In this post, we will see how the coefficient of static friction (μs) = tan θ, where θ is the angle of inclination where static friction becomes the highest. In other words, θ is the angle of inclination when friction equals the value of limiting friction. (The maximum possible frictional force before the object starts […]
In this post, we will cover the definition and formula of the coefficient of restitution. We will also see how types of collision can be determined from the value of the coefficient of restitution. We will also solve a numerical problem using the formula of the coefficient of restitution. What is the Coefficient of Restitution? […]
Three things are worth noting about frictional forces: these fundamental points will help you to understand friction as a force, answer questions from the friction chapter and solve numerical problems based on friction. Here are the points: The smaller µ is, the more slippery the surface. For instance, ice will have much lower coefficients of […]