High School Physics + more

Motion graphs of vertical fall against air-drag | Motion graphs of falling objects when air resistance is present

Last updated on April 23rd, 2021 at 11:23 am

Here we will discuss the motion graphs of vertically falling objects when air-drag or air-resistance is present. Certainly, it’s not a free fall as during free-fall air drag is ignored and only gravity is considered.

But in this case, we are discussing the vertical motion which is under the influence of both gravity and air-drag. Please note that air-drag and air-resistance are synonymous here.

Motion graphs of vertical fall against air-drag

Here we will present the motion graphs of a vertically falling object which is being acted upon by both gravity and air-drag. Gravity pulls it downwards and air-drag pushes it upwards. In other words, gravity is opposed by air-drag.

We will present 3 types of motion graphs: (1) displacement-time graph (2) velocity-time graph (3) acceleration-time graph

Displacement-time graph of vertical fall against air-drag

The following graph is the Displacement-time graph of vertical fall against air-drag.

Displacement-time graph of vertical fall against air-drag
Displacement-time graph of vertical fall against air-drag

Velocity-time graph of vertical fall against air-drag

The following graph is the Velocity-time graph of vertical fall against air-drag.

Velocity-time graph of vertical fall against air-drag
Velocity-time graph of vertical fall against air-drag

Acceleration-time graph of vertical fall against air-drag

The following graph is the Acceleration-time graph of vertical fall against air-drag.

Acceleration-time graph of vertical fall against air-drag
Acceleration-time graph of vertical fall against air-drag

Observations – Motion graph under air-drag and gravity for vertical fall

As the graphs show, the velocity does not keep on rising. It eventually reaches a maximum or terminal velocity.
Related study – get the motion graphs for a free-fall (where air resistance is ignored) here

Also, Read the following related topics:

Terminal velocity & Air Drag equation

Parachute & Terminal velocity

See also  Derive the relation between Linear displacement and Angular displacement
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