High School Physics + more

8085 microprocessor programs

Generation of time delay in 8085

In this post, we will give you a clear idea of how to generate the time delay using 8085 programs. Through programming time delay can be introduced and this delay will be used in different applications such as traffic signals, digital clocks, process control, and serial data transfer. Generally, a program for the delay is […]

Branching instructions in 8085 Microprocessor & their types

Branching instructions are important for programming a microprocessor. These instructions can transfer control of execution from one memory location to another. In this post, we will discuss ‘Branching instructions in 8085 Microprocessor‘ and how these instructions operate. We will learn 2 types of Branching operations [based on the return of execution control]. Also, we will […]

Opcode fetch machine cycle in 8085

The Opcode fetch machine cycle is the first step in the execution of any instruction. In this cycle, the microprocessor reads the opcode of an instruction from the memory. The control and status signals for this machine cycle are IO/M’ = 0, S0 =1, and S1 = 1. This differentiates it from the memory read […]

8085 program to swap two 8-bit numbers

In this post, we will write one 8085 program to swap two 8-bit numbers. We will take a problem statement first and then find out the solution methods, algorithm and then will write the 8085 assembly programs to solve the problem. Program Statement: Swap the contents of memory locations 2000H and 4000H using 8085 assembly […]

DAA Instruction in 8085 for BCD addition

In this post, we will study how to use DAA Instruction in 8085 for BCD addition. DAA is the 8085 instruction that supports BCD addition. The addition of BCD is done like binary addition, using the ADD instruction. DAA is used to convert the result of the binary sum (Available in the Accumulator) into a […]

Interfacing of 8255 PPI with 8085 microprocessor

PPI 8255 is a general-purpose programmable I/O device designed to interface the CPU with its outside world such as ADC, DAC, keyboard, etc. We can program it according to the given condition. It can be used with almost any microprocessor. Here in this post, we will discuss the interfacing of 8255 PPI with 8085 microprocessor […]

Timing diagram of INX H in 8085 & Timing diagram of INX B

In this post, we will discuss the Timing diagram of INX H in 8085. The timing diagram of INX B is also discussed. In the 8085 Instruction set, INX H stands for “INcrement eXtended register” and H stands for H-L register pair. This instruction will be used to add 1 to the present content of […]

Interfacing ADC with 8085 microprocessor (program)

In this post, we will write a program for interfacing ADC with 8085. This 8085 assembly language program will initiate ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) and store the digital data in memory. Interfacing ADC with 8085 using 8255 We have to write a program with 8085 assembly language to Initiate ADC and store the digital […]

Addition of two 16-bit numbers: 8085 programming

In this post, we will write programs in 8085 Assembly language for the addition of two 16-bit numbers. In program 1, eight bit addition instructions are used (ADD and ADC) and addition is performed in two steps. First lower byte addition using ADD instruction and then higher byte addition using ADC instruction. In program 2, […]

Packing & Unpacking of BCD numbers: 8085 programming

In this post, we will write programs in 8085 Assembly Language for Packing and unpacking of BCD numbers. Packing of BCD numbers: 8085 programming Problem statement: Pack the two unpacked 4-bit single digit BCD numbers stored in memory locations C200H and C201H and store result in memory location C300H. Assume the least significant digit is […]

Is assembly language the same thing as machine language?

While the two terms, assembly language and machine language, are often used interchangeably, assembly language is a more “user-friendly” interpretation of machine language. Machine language is the collection of patterns of bits recognized by a central processing unit (CPU) as instructions. Each particular CPU design has its own machine language. The machine language of the […]

ASCII to HEX Conversion program in 8085 – PhysicsTeacher

In this post, we will see how to convert a given ASCII Character into its equivalent Hexa Decimal (HEX) number using the 8085 microprocessor program or instruction set. Algorithm for ASCII to HEX Conversion with 8085 microprocessor Load the given data in A register Subtract 30 H from A register Compare the content of A […]

HEX to ASCII conversion program in 8085 –

In this post, we will see how to convert a given Hexadecimal number into its equivalent ASCII number using the 8085 microprocessor instruction set. (HEX to ASCII conversion) Algorithm for HEX to ASCII Conversion with 8085 microprocessor Load the given data in A register and move to B register Mask the upper nibble of the […]

HEX to BCD conversion program in 8085 –

In this post, we will see how to convert a given Hexadecimal number into its equivalent BCD number using the 8085 microprocessor instruction set. (HEX to BCD conversion) Algorithm for HEX to BCD Conversion with 8085 microprocessor 1) Initialize memory pointer to 4150 H2) Get the Hexadecimal number in C – register3) Perform repeated addition […]

BCD to HEX Conversion program in 8085 –

In this post, we will see how To convert two-digit packed BCD numbers in memory to the equivalent HEX number using the 8085 microprocessor program or instruction set. Algorithm for BCD to HEX Conversion with 8085 microprocessor 1) Initialize memory pointer to 4150 H2) Get the Most Significant Digit (MSD)3) Multiply the MSD by ten […]

8085 microprocessor program for 1’s & 2’s complement of a number

In this post, we will write down programs in assembly language for the 8085 microprocessor to complement a number (1’s complement and 2’s complement). Here are the problem statements and the required programs, input data, and results. 1’s complement – problem statement for the 8085 microprocessor Problem statement: Write down an assembly language program to […]

How to Interface a RAM chip with 8085 microprocessor

In this post, we have discussed the interfacing of a 1 KB RAM chip with the 8085 microprocessor. We have also discussed the Memory mapping of the RAM chip. Steps followed by the 8085 microprocessor to read the content of a memory location in the RAM chip are also discussed. We know that the programs […]

8085 Executing the program and checking result

Executing the program and checking results in the 8085 Microprocessor – In this post, we have discussed how the 8085 microprocessor executes one program and how to check results in 8085. This will also help to understand how a microprocessor works. Executing the program and checking result in 8085 Microprocessor A microprocessor is a sequential […]

8255 PPI Programmable Peripheral Interface

In this post, we will discuss the 8255 PPI Programmable Peripheral Interface and find answers to a bunch of interesting questions on this. What is 8255 PPI? 8255 programmable peripheral interface (PPI) is a popularly used parallel, programmable input-output device. It can be used to transfer data between external devices (such as input and output devices) […]

MCQ on 8085 Microprocessor Architecture – with solution

In this post, you will get 15 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on 8085 Microprocessor Architecture. And you get the solution as well. For better readability, these questions are distributed among 3 pages. Links to other pages in these series are available at the bottom of the pages. Also read this Related Post on microprocessor MCQ: […]

Division of Two 8 bit Numbers using 8085 microprocessor

In this post, you will find the required algorithm, & 8085 program code to perform the Division of two 8 bit numbers using the 8085 microprocessor. Also, you will get the observation and result. Algorithm for Division of Two 8 bit Numbers using 8085 1) Start the program by loading HL register pair with the […]

Subtraction of Two 8 Bit Numbers using 8085 microprocessor

In this post, you will find the required algorithm, & 8085 program code To perform the Subtraction of two 8 bit numbers using the 8085 microprocessor. Also, you will get the observation and result. Algorithm for Subtraction of Two 8 bit Numbers using 8085 Start the program by loading the first data into Accumulator. Move […]

Addition of Two 8 bit Numbers using 8085 microprocessor

In this post, you will find the required algorithm, & 8085 program code To perform the addition of two 8 bit numbers using the 8085 microprocessor. Also, you will get the observation and result. Algorithm for Addition of Two 8 bit Numbers using 8085 1) Start the program by loading the first data into Accumulator.2) […]

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