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MCQ worksheets on Light & Optics (Physics)

9 MCQ Worksheets on Light, Optics, Vision & Eye [MCQ] fully solved – Multiple Choice Questions, Fill In the blanks & Matching questions

Last updated on June 9th, 2021 at 03:54 am

Match the definition with a term – worksheet from the Optics chapter (worksheet 5)

Matching Assignment:
Match each definition with the correct term.

1. formation of a clear image by light reflected from a very smooth surface
2. device that produces a very focused beam of light of just one wavelength
3. curving outward like the outside of a bowl
4. copy of an object that is formed by reflected or refracted light
5. formation of a blurry image by light reflected from a rough surface
6. curving inward like the inside of a bowl
7. study of visible light and the ways it can be used

a. convex
b. laser
c. concave
d. regular reflection
e. optics
f. image
g. diffuse reflection

Answer – Matching Assignment


  1. d
  2. b
  3. a
  4. f
  5. g
  6. c
  7. e

Links of All worksheets(Total 9) of Light and Optics are given below. (pagination)
Click the next page link and reach the next worksheet page.

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