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MCQ worksheets on Light & Optics (Physics)

9 MCQ Worksheets on Light, Optics, Vision & Eye [MCQ] fully solved – Multiple Choice Questions, Fill In the blanks & Matching questions

Last updated on June 9th, 2021 at 03:54 am

Fill in the Blanks – worksheet from Visible Light & Optics chapter (worksheet 9)

Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the appropriate term.

  1. The lens of the eye is a(n) __ lens.
  2. Rods and cones change images to __ signals.
  3. The shape of the eye’s lens is controlled by tiny __.
  4. Electrical signals from the eye travel to the brain through the __.
  5. The vision problem in which nearby objects are seen clearly but distant objects appear blurry is __.
  6. The vision problem in which distant objects are seen clearly but nearby objects appear blurry is __.
  7. The vision problem in question 6 can be corrected with __ lenses.

Answer – Fill in the Blank (answers)

Fill in the Blank– answers

  1. convex
  2. electrical
  3. muscles
  4. optic nerve
  5. myopia (nearsightedness)
  6. hyperopia (farsightedness)
  7. convex

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