High School Physics + more

DC Circuits_21

Measuring the resistance of a component – different ways

In this post, we are going to discuss different ways of measuring the resistance of a component. Resistance is defined as R = V/I. This obviously gives ways of measuring resistance, as in the circuits shown below. Each of the first 2 methods listed below uses both an ammeter and a voltmeter. And, the third […]

How to find resistance using Resistor Colour Codes

Small resistors use coloured or painted bands which represent their resistive value and tolerance. These coloured painted bands produce a system of identification generally known as a Resistors Colour Code. The physical size of the resistor indicates its wattage rating. Resistor Colour Code Table There are two types of resistor colour coding systems, the four-band […]

How does alternating current differ from direct current?

In this post, we will find out the answer to a very common question: “How does alternating current differ from direct current?” Direct current implies that the current flows in a single direction from the positive terminal of a battery or power supply to the negative terminal. This is the normal result when a battery […]

Ammeter and Voltmeter – definition & connection

Ammeters measure the current of a circuit, and voltmeters measure the voltage drop across a resistor. Ammeters and voltmeters are cleverly designed because it is important in the design to make sure that the use of these meters doesn’t change the circuit in such a way as to influence the readings. While both types of […]

Capacitors & Capacitance

Capacitors are components of electrical circuits that temporarily store electric charge. Capacitors are simple passive devices. The capacitor is a component that has the ability or “capacity” to store energy in the form of an electrical charge producing a potential difference across its plates. Capacitors consist of two or more parallel conductive metal or foil […]

Symbols & functions of Common components of electrical circuits – How to get?

Figure 1 below presents 17 circuit symbols for a variety of circuit components like cell, battery, switch open, switch closed, ammeter, voltmeter, motor, resistor, thermistor, fuse, diode, LED (Light Emitting Diode), LDR (Light Dependent Resistor), Filament lamp, variable resistor, d.c. supply, & a.c. supply. Symbols & functions of Common components The following tables describe some […]

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