High School Physics + more

Periodic Motion_21

velocity of the pendulum bob at the equilibrium position

In this post, we will derive an equation for the velocity of the pendulum bob at the equilibrium position. Calculating the velocity of the pendulum bob at the equilibrium position requires that we arrange our coordinate system so that the height of the bob at the equilibrium position is zero. Then the total mechanical energy […]

Numerical problem worksheet based on the time period of pendulum

On this page, you will find a sample solved numerical problem based on the time period of the pendulum. A numerical worksheet with selected problems of the pendulum is given below this. The solutions to these problems are also given (a link to the solution page is given along with the numerical problem). sample numerical […]

Simple Harmonic Motion of a Simple Pendulum

In this post, we will focus on a specific example of Simple Harmonic motion and it is the Simple Harmonic Motion of a Simple Pendulum. A simple pendulum consists of a mass called a bob, which is attached to a fixed string, as shown in Figure 1. When working with a simple pendulum, we assume […]

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