High School Physics + more

8085 microprocessor program for 1’s & 2’s complement of a number

In this post, we will write down programs in assembly language for the 8085 microprocessor to complement a number (1’s complement and 2’s complement).

Here are the problem statements and the required programs, input data, and results.

1’s complement – problem statement for the 8085 microprocessor

Problem statement: Write down an assembly language program to complement the number stored in memory location C100H and to place the result in memory location C200H.


1's complement - problem statement for the 8085 microprocessor
1’s complement – problem statement & program code for the 8085 microprocessor

2’s complement – problem statement for the 8085 microprocessor

Problem statement: Write down an assembly language program to find the 2’complement of the number stored in memory location C100H and to place the result in memory location C200H.

2's complement - problem statement for the 8085 microprocessor
2’s complement – problem statement & program code for the 8085 microprocessor

Author of this post

This post is co-authored by Professor Saraswati Saha, who is an assistant professor at RCCIIT, a renowned degree engineering college in India. Professor Saha teaches subjects related to digital electronics & microprocessors.

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See also  Opcode fetch machine cycle in 8085
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