Electric Field Due to a Short Dipole – formulas
In this post, we will study 2 formulas of the electric field due to a short dipole.
These electric field formulas represent the following:
(1) Electric Field Due to a Short Dipole at a point P on its axis &
(2) Electric Field Due to a Short Dipole at a point on the equatorial line.
Electric Field Due to a Short Dipole

Electric Field Due to a Short Dipole at a point P on its axis
At a point P on the axis of the dipole (figure1), the Electric field due to a short dipole can be presented by the following formula:

here, p = dipole moment
Electric Field Due to a Short Dipole at a point P on its equatorial line
At a point P´ on the equatorial line of the dipole (figure1), the Electric field due to a short dipole can be presented by the following formula:

here, p = dipole moment
[Read about the definition and formula of the dipole moment]