High School Physics

9 Worksheets on Electromagnetism [MCQ] | Multiple Choice Questions from the Electromagnetism chapter – physics

Electromagnetism – MCQ Worksheet (with answer) – set 7

  1. Oersted discovered that electric currents generate magnetic fields in

    a. 1600.
    b. 1820.
    c. 1980.
    d. 2000.
  2. When Oersted made the discovery in question 1, he was trying to demonstrate that
    a. electricity and magnetism are not related.
    b. electric currents create magnetic fields.
    c. compasses can detect magnetic fields.
    d. magnetic fields create electric currents.
  3. The magnetic field created by current flowing through a wire
    a. surrounds the wire in concentric circles.
    b. is just like the magnetic field of a bar magnet.
    c. has the same direction as the current.
    d. has the opposite direction to the current.
  4. According to the right hand rule, the fingers of the right hand curl around the wire in the same direction as the
    a. current.
    b. compass.
    c. conductor.
    d. magnetic field.
  5. Factors that affect the magnetic field around a wire that is carrying current include
    a. amount of current.
    b. direction of current.
    c. position of compass.
    d. two of the above

Answers to MCQ Worksheet

Multiple Choice answers

  1. b
  2. a
  3. a
  4. d
  5. d

Electromagnetism – Matching worksheet (Match the definition with a term) – set 8

Matching Assignment:
Match each definition with the correct term.

1. material through which electric current can flow
2. continuous flow of electric charges
3. device that points toward a north magnetic pole
4. way to find the direction of the magnetic field around a wire carrying electric current
5. magnetism produced by electric current

a. electromagnetism
b. compass
c. right hand rule
d. electric current
e. electric conductor

See also  [pdf notes] Electromagnetic Radiation Grade 12 Notes download | class 12 physics notes on Electromagnetic Radiation

Answer – Matching Assignment

Matching – answers

  1. e
  2. d
  3. b
  4. c
  5. a

Electromagnetism – Fill in the Blanks worksheet – set 9

Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the appropriate term.

  1. The scientist who discovered how electricity and magnetism are related was __.
  2. The direction of the magnetic field around a wire depends on the direction of the __.
  3. A crane magnet is a type of magnet called a(n) __.
  4. Oersted investigated the magnetic field around a wire by placing a(n) __ at different locations around
    the wire.
  5. To apply the right hand rule, your thumb should point in the same direction as the __.

Answer – Fill in the Blank (answers)

Fill in the Blank – answers

  1. Oersted
  2. current
  3. electromagnet
  4. compass
  5. current
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