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Electric Charge – Worksheets MCQ | Multiple Choice Questions from the Electric Charge chapter – physics

Electric Charge (physics) – MCQ worksheets with answer + other exercises

Electric Charge – MCQ Worksheet (with answer) – set 1

  1. Moving electric charges create
    a. lightning bolts.
    b. electric current.
    c. friction.
    d. two of the above
  2. Electric field lines around a negatively charged particle
    a. point away from the particle.
    b. circle around the particle.
    c. point toward the particle.
    d. repel the particle.
  3. The strength of the electric force is determined by the
    a. amount of electric charge.
    b. conservation of electric charge.
    c. distance between charged particles.
    d. two of the above
  4. The formation of charged matter depends on the
    a. transfer of electrons.
    b. loss of protons.
    c. discharge of current.
    d. buildup of neutrons.
  5. Ways that charges can be transferred include
    a. friction.
    b. conduction.
    c. polarization.
    d. all of the above
  6. If you rub a balloon on your hair, the balloon and hair attract each other because
    a. electrons are transferred from the hair to the balloon.
    b. hair is negatively charged and the balloon is positively charged.
    c. the hair attracts electrons more strongly than the balloon does.
    d. two of the above
  7. A buildup of electric charges on an object occurs because of
    a. static electricity.
    b. static discharge.
    c. electric current.
    d. polarization.

Answers to MCQ Worksheet (Electric Charge)

Multiple Choice

  1. d
  2. c
  3. d
  4. a
  5. d
  6. a
  7. d

Match the definition with a term – Matching worksheet from Electric Charge chapter

Matching Assignment:
Match each definition with the correct term.

1. buildup of electric charges on an object 2. transfer of electrons within an object
3. force of attraction or repulsion between charged particles
4. transfer of electrons through direct contact between objects
5. space around a charged particle where the particle exerts an electric force
6. physical property that causes particles to attract or repel each other without touching
7. sudden flow of electrons from an object that has a buildup of charges

a. electric charge
b. conduction
c. electric field
d. polarization
e. electric force
f. static electricity
g. static discharge

See also  Surface Tension & Surface Energy - MCQ worksheets

Answer – Matching Assignment (Electric charge)


  1. f
  2. d
  3. e
  4. b
  5. c
  6. a
  7. g

Fill in the Blanks – worksheet from Electric Charge chapter

Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the appropriate term.

  1. Objects become charged when they transfer __.
  2. Particles with opposite charges __ each other.
  3. Particles with the same charge __ each other.
  4. When atoms give up electrons they become positively charged ions called __.
  5. When atoms gain electrons, they become negatively charged ions called __.
  6. A van de Graaff generator transfers electrons to a person touching it by the process of __.
  7. A lightning bolt is an example of __.

Answer – Fill in the Blank (answers)

Fill in the Blank

  1. electrons
  2. attract
  3. repel
  4. cations
  5. anions
  6. conduction
  7. static discharge

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