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Physics Lab – Hub of related Posts

Here goes out posts on Physics Lab and related topics and subtopics.

Connecting ammeter and voltmeter in physics lab

In this post, we will study a circuit diagram with ammeter and voltmeter. The goal would be to understand how to connect these meters in the circuit given in the ...

How to measure Latent Heat? | Measurement of specific latent heat

The two possible methods for measuring latent heats shown below are very similar in principle to the methods for measuring specific heat capacities. [Read about FAQs of Latent Heat] A ...

Measuring the resistance of a component – different ways

In this post, we are going to discuss different ways of measuring the resistance of a component. Resistance is defined as R = V/I. This obviously gives ways of measuring ...

How to find resistance using Resistor Colour Codes

Small resistors use coloured or painted bands which represent their resistive value and tolerance. These coloured painted bands produce a system of identification generally known as a Resistors Colour Code ...

Measuring frequency & voltage of an Alternating Current (AC) with CRO

An oscilloscope can be used to measure the frequency and voltage of an alternating current. There are two types of oscilloscopes. The traditional cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO) uses an electron beam ...

The Millikan Oil-Drop Experiment

Robert Millikan measured e, the magnitude of the elementary charge on an electron, and demonstrated the quantized nature of this charge with the help of a brilliant set of experiments ...

The oscilloscope & its signal attribute, AC and DC graph

An oscilloscope is an instrument used to investigate electrical signals. The screen of the oscilloscope displays a trace of the electrical signal and in almost all cases this is a ...

Physics Lab: investigation to determine a value for acceleration due to gravity (g) using pendulum motion

This post is on Physics Lab work for performing a first-hand investigation to determine a value of acceleration due to gravity (g) using pendulum motion. This experiment is discussed extensively ...

How to measure universal gravitational constant | Measurement of G

Henry Cavendish first measured the universal gravitational constant G in 1798. The apparatus used is shown in Figure 1. Other experimenters repeated Cavendish’s measurement of G with various improvements and ...

How to Determine g in laboratory | Value of acceleration due to gravity – determination in Lab

We will see here how to determine g in the laboratory. g is the symbol of acceleration due to gravity. The basic idea behind determining g in the laboratory is ...

Extension-Load graph of Spring with Lab set-up and Analysis of the graph

The Extension-Load graph of spring is a graphical representation of its extension versus applied load. This Extension-Load graph is drawn to see how the extension of a spring depends on ...
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