High School Physics + more


Sound class 9 Numerical with solutions

In this post, we will solve a set of Numerical problems from the Sound chapter of class 9 science. Sound Class 9 Numerical Questions and Answers [solved] 1) A sound wave has a frequency of 2 kHz and a wavelength of 35 cm. How long will it take to travel 1.5 km? Solution: Given,Frequency, n […]

Numerical problems on Echo of sound

Question 1: A person clapped his hands near a cliff and heard an echo after 2 seconds. What is the distance of the cliff from the person if the speed of the sound, v is taken as 346 m/s? Solution: Given,Speed of sound, v = 346 m/sTime taken to hear the echo, t = 2 […]

Speed of sound in different media at 25 degree Celsius

Sound travels at a speed that is much less than the speed of light. The speed of sound depends on the properties of the medium through which it travels. The speed of sound in a medium depends on the temperature of the medium. [ see more: how speed of sound changes with temperature change] The […]

Sound characteristics | Features of sound

All sounds that you hear are not the same. There are some properties that differentiate one kind of sound from another. We will study about these Sound characteristics or features now. We will study about loudness, pitch, quality, and audibility (& range) of sound. Loudness Loudness is defined as the characteristic of a sound that […]

Longitudinal Wave Graphical Representation

In this post, we will study Longitudinal Wave Graphical representation. Here, we will see how the Density-Distance graph graphically represents a Longitudinal Wave. When a Longitudinal Wave, say a sound wave passes through the air, the particles of air vibrate back and forth parallel to the direction of the sound wave. Thus, when a Longitudinal […]

Minimum Distance to Hear an Echo

In this post, we will calculate the minimum distance required to hear an echo. But before that, we will briefly find out the concepts of echo. Minimum Distance to Hear an Echo – calculation Echo – What is an echo? The repetition of sound caused by the reflection of sound waves is referred to as […]

Doppler effect or Doppler shift

The apparent change in frequency/wavelength of a wave caused by a difference in velocity between the source of the wave and the observer is named the Doppler effect or Doppler Shift. Why the Doppler Shift Happens | Doppler effect causes The Doppler shift occurs because a wave is created by a series of pulses at […]

Characteristics of sound wave | Properties of sound wave

In this post, we will list down some important features of sound waves (the nature of sound waves). Characteristics of sound wave | Properties of sound wave Sound is a longitudinal wave transferred by oscillating molecules and it needs a medium through which it can travel. Sound cannot travel across a vacuum. Sound is created […]

How to Measure the speed of sound in a laboratory?

Here we will see How to Measure the speed of sound in a laboratory. It is possible to measure wave speed using the equation: speed = distance travelled/time taken The problem with measuring the speed of sound in air is that sound travels quickly. So we must find a way to measure short times accurately […]

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