High School Physics + more

Is assembly language the same thing as machine language?

While the two terms, assembly language and machine language, are often used interchangeably, assembly language is a more “user-friendly” interpretation of machine language.

Machine language is the collection of patterns of bits recognized by a central processing unit (CPU) as instructions. Each particular CPU design has its own machine language. The machine language of the CPU of a microcomputer generally includes about 75 instructions; the machine language
of the CPU of a large mainframe computer may include hundreds of instructions. Each of these instructions is a pattern of 1s and 0s that tells the CPU to perform a specific operation.

Assembly language is a collection of symbolic, mnemonic names for each instruction in the machine language of its CPU. Like the machine language, the assembly language is tied to a specific CPU design. Programming in assembly language requires intimate familiarity with the CPU’s architecture, and assembly language programs are difficult to maintain and require extensive documentation.

Example of an assembly language program

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