MCQs on 8085 Instruction set, Addressing Modes & Machine cycles | NPTEL assignment Q&A
Last updated on February 23rd, 2022 at 02:07 pm
MCQs on 8085 Instruction set, Addressing Modes & Machine cycles | NPTEL assignment (page 3/3)
11 ) Between DCR and DCX instructions, the status flags are affected by

Answer: A
12 ) The number of machine cycles required to execute the given instruction is:
MOV DPTR, # data16

Answer: B
13 ) The clock frequency of the 8085 microprocessor is 5MHz. If the time required to execute an instruction is 1.4 µs, then the number of T-states needed for executing the instruction is

Answer: C
14) The number of machine cycles required to execute the following 8085 instructions

Answer: B
15 ) If a program with 5 instructions is executed in 7 clock cycles, then CPI (cycles per instructions) is?

Answer: A