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Moments of Inertia of various bodies – quick reckoner chitsheet with diagram and equations

Last updated on February 1st, 2022 at 05:51 pm

Here is a quick reckoner for the equations of moments of inertia of various bodies of various shapes (in diagram form)

The diagram (figure 1) shows the Moment of Inertia formulas of the following:
(a) Slender rod with the axis through center
(2) Slender rod axis through one end
(3) rectangular plate axis through center
(4) Thin rectangular plate axis along edge
(5) Hollow cylinder
(6) Solid cylinder
(7) Thin-walled hollow cylinder
(8) Solid sphere
(9) Thin-walled hollow sphere.

The diagram (figure 1) shows the formulas of the following.

 You will get Moment of Inertia equations for 
(a) Slender rod with the axis through center 
(2) Slender rod axis through one end 
(3) rectangular plate axis through center
 (4) Thin rectangular plate axis along edge
 (5) Hollow cylinder 
(6) Solid cylinder
 (7) Thin-walled hollow cylinder 
(8) Solid sphere 
(9) Thin-walled hollow sphere.
Figure 1: moments of inertia of various bodies of various shapes (with diagram and formula)

Read More: A more detailed listing of Moment of Inertia formulas (in text) and sample solved numerical problems

See also  Linear and Angular motion - relationship equations
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