High School Physics + more

Properties of the Electric field between two oppositely charged parallel plates

The electric field between two parallel plates:
– is uniform in the region between the plates
– becomes weaker at the edges (these are known as edge effects) as the field changes from the value between the plates to the value outside-the plate (often zero).

figure 1: Electric field line pattern for parallel plates.
figure 1: Electric field line pattern for parallel plates.

Electric field lines are also called “Lines of force” – why?

The field lines are also called “lines of force”. It is easy to see why. Electric forces act on charges in a field. A Field line in an electric field represents the path followed by a unit positive charge under the influence of the net electric force in the electric field, hence these field lines are called “lines of force”. The lines of force originate at a positive charge (by definition) and end at a negative charge as indicated by the arrow attached to the line.

If the line is curved, the tangent at a given point gives the direction of the electric force on a positive charge.

The density of the electric field lines (how close they are) shows the strength of the force.

See also  How is electric field strength related to the electric potential gradient?
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