High School Physics + more

Microprocessor Fundamentals

Last updated on June 3rd, 2022 at 04:19 pm

How does the microprocessor communicate with the memory and input/output devices?

The microprocessor communicates with the memory and the Input/Output devices via the three buses, viz., data bus, address bus, and control bus.

What are the different jobs that the CPU is expected to do at any given point in time?

The CPU may perform a memory read or write operation, an I/O read or write operation, or an internal activity.

What is a mnemonic?

It is very difficult to understand a program or instruction if it is written in either binary or hex code. Thus the manufacturers have devised a symbolic code for each instruction, called a mnemonic. Examples of mnemonics are INR A, ADD B, etc.

What is machine language programming?

Programming a computer by utilizing hex or binary code is known as machine language programming.

What is meant by assembly language programming?

Programming a microcomputer by writing mnemonics is known as assembly language programming.

What are meant by low-level and high-level languages?

Programming languages that are machine-dependent are called low-level languages. For example, assembly language is a low-level language.

On the other hand, programming languages that are machine-independent are called high-level languages. Examples are BASIC, FORTRAN, C, COBOL, etc.

What is meant by the ‘word length’ of a computer?

The number of bits that a computer recognizes and can process at a time is known as its ‘word length’.

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