High School Physics + more

Using Latex – add Mathematical Expressions in Text-Mode

In this post, we will see how to use Latex to add Mathematical Expressions in Text-Mode.

A math-mode environment, like an equation or an enqarray, prints a mathematical expression in a new line.

Sometimes a short mathematical notation or expression may need to be printed in running texts also, i.e., in the same line along with texts. For example, in the following statement, one equation and three variables are printed in running texts:

figure 1: one equation and three variables are printed in running texts

how to add Mathematical Expressions in Text-Mode (or in running texts) using Latex?

  • A mathematical expression, say amath, can be inserted in running texts as $ amath $, \( amath \) or \begin { math } amath \end { math }, where ‘$$’ , ‘\( \)’ or the math environment create math-modes in running texts.
  • A single notation is usually inserted in $$, while an expression is inserted in \( \) or in the math environment (however, all three are applicable in either case).
  • In the above example, accordingly, the equation can be inserted as \( x ˆ 2 + y ˆ 2 = r ˆ 2 \) or \begin { math } x ˆ 2 + y ˆ 2 = r ˆ 2 \end { math }, while the variables x, y and r as $ x $, $ y $ and $ r $ respectively.
See also  How to use Latex for Arithmetic operations
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