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MCQs on 8051 Microcontroller Architecture –

Last updated on March 10th, 2022 at 04:25 pm

MCQ on 8051 Microcontroller Architecture (page 2/4)

6) In 8051, to make the address range 10H-17H as the present register bank, the bits RS0 and RS1 be set to

(A) RS0 = 1, RS1 = 1
(B) RS0 = 1, RS1 = 0
(C) RS0 = 0, RS1 = 1
(D) RS0 = 0, RS1 = 0

7) Which of the following is true in the context of the 8051 microcontroller?

a) I/O port 0 is used as 8-bit R/W general-purpose input-output operations

b) I/O port 1 is used as an address bus for external memory design

c) I/O port 2 is used for internal timers and external interrupts

d) None of the above

8) Find the machine cycle for XTAL = 11.0592 MHz ?

a) 1.085 μs
b) 10.85 μs
c) 108.5 μs
d) 1085 μs

9) Match the following:

1) SBUF i) timer / counter control register
2) TCON ii) contains status information
3) TMOD iii) idle bit, power down bit
4) PSW iv) serial data buffer for Tx and Rx.
5) PCON v) timer/ counter modes of operation.

a) 1->i, 2->v, 3->iv, 4->iii, 5→ii.
b) 1->iv, 2->i, 3->v, 4->ii, 5→iii.
c) 1->v, 2->iii, 3->ii, 4->iv, 5→i.
d) 1->iii, 2->ii, 3->i, 4->v, 5->iv.

10 ) The total external data memory that can be interfaced to the 8051 is:
a) 32K
b) 64K
c) 128K
d) 256K

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