MCQs on AVR microcontroller, 8255, 8051 – NPTEL assignment
Last updated on March 10th, 2022 at 05:35 pm
This assignment (MCQs on AVR microcontroller, 8255, 8051 – NPTEL assignment) contains 14 MCQs spanned across 3 pages. Links to other pages of this assignment are available at the bottom of each page of this series.
AVR microcontroller, 8255, 8051 – MCQs
1 ) Which of the following representations related to the AVR microcontrollers is correct?
a) Timer/Counter 0 is an 8-bit up counter and timer/counter 1 is an 8-bit up counter
b) Timer/Counter 0 is an 8-bit up counter and timer/counter 1 is a 16-bit up counter
c) Timer/Counter 0 is a 16-bit up counter and timer/counter 1 is an 8-bit up counter
d) Timer/Counter 0 is a 16-bit up counter and timer/counter 1 is a 16-bit up counter
Accepted Answers:
Timer/Counter 0 is an 8-bit up-counter and timer/counter 1 is a 16-bit up counter
2 ) Which of the following representations related to the AVR microcontrollers is correct?
a) An AVR timer/counter 0 has dual output compares A and B
b) An AVR timer/counter 1 has a single output compare A
c) An AVR timer/counter 1 has a single output compare B
d) An AVR timer/counter 1 has dual output compares A and B
Accepted Answers:
An AVR timer/counter 1 has dual output compares A and B
3 ) Which of the following represents the best description of an AVR timer/counter source when CS02 = 0, CS01 = 1, and CS00 = 1?
a) Stop, the timer/counter is stopped
b) CPU frequency is divided by 8 (CK/8)
c) CPU frequency is divided by 64 (CK/64)
d) CPU frequency is divided by 256 (CK/256)
Accepted Answers:
CPU frequency is divided by 64 (CK/64)
4 ) In an AVR microcontroller, interrupts are used for
b) Timers and Time-Critical Code
c) Hardware Signalling
d) All of the above
Accepted Answers:
All of the above
5) Which of the following is the Program Address of the Serial Transfer Complete interrupt in an AVR microcontroller?
a) $000
b) $00C
c) $012
d) $014
Accepted Answers: