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MCQs on 8086 microprocessor – NPTEL assignment

Last updated on March 10th, 2022 at 05:37 pm

This assignment (MCQs on 8086 microprocessor – NPTEL assignment) contains 15 MCQs spanned across 3 pages. Links to other pages of this assignment are available at the bottom of each page of this series.

8086 microprocessor based MCQs

1 ) Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

a) If MN/MX’ is low, 8086 cannot be associated with any co-processor.
b) If MN/MX’ is low, 8086 can be associated with any co-processor.
c) If MN/MX’ is low, 8086 is in Maximum Mode.
d) If MN/MX’ is high, 8086 is in Minimum Mode.

Accepted Answers:
If MN/MX’ is low, 8086 cannot be associated with any co-processor.

2 ) How many 16-bit Segment Registers does 8086 have?

a) 4
b) 8
c) 2
d) 6

Accepted Answers:

3 ) The 8086 microprocessor is operating in Maximum Mode. If the outputs of the status signals (S2’, S1’, S0’) equals to 001, which CPU cycle is being performed?

a) I/O Read
b) I/O Write
c) Read Memory
d) Write Memory

Accepted Answers:
I/O Read

4 ) In 8086, the address bus is __________ bits wide.

a) 20
b) 16
c) 12
d) 10

Accepted Answers:

5 ) Match the following.

(A) CF (i) Carry Flag
(B) SF (ii) Conditional Flag
(C) OF (iii) Service Flag
(D) IF (iv) Sign Flag
(v) Overflow Flag
(vi) Over Flag
(vii) Initial Flag
(viii) Interrupt Flag

a) A (i), B (iv), C (v), D (viii)
b) A (ii), B (iv), C (vi), D (vii)
c) A (i), B (iii), C (v), D (vii)
d) A (ii), B (iii), C (vi), D (viii)

Accepted Answers:
A (i), B (iv), C (v), D (viii)

See also  Timing diagram of INX H in 8085 & Timing diagram of INX B
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