High School Physics + more

Microprocessor Fundamentals

Last updated on June 3rd, 2022 at 04:19 pm

Differentiate between a compiler/interpreter and an assembler.

As an example, for gadget controls and traffic signals, assembly language programming is done because programs in such cases are compact and not lengthy. But for cases where large program lengths are a must, compilers/interpreters are used. For such a case, although a large memory space is required, the advantage lies in very quick debugging.

What are the names given to instructions written in high and low-level languages?

The instructions written in high-level languages are known as ‘statements’ whereas those written in low-level languages are called ‘mnemonics’.

What is another name of a microprocessor?

A microprocessor is also called the CPU, the central processing unit.

What is a microcomputer?

A microcomputer is a system that is capable of processing a stream of input information and will generate a stream of output information taking the help of a program that is stored in the memory of the system.

What are the jobs that a microcomputer is capable of doing?

A microcomputer is capable of doing the following jobs:

(a) receiving input (in the form of data or instruction).

(b) performing computations, both arithmetic and logical.

(c) storing data and instructions.

(d) displaying the results of any computations.

(e) controlling all the devices that perform the above-mentioned four tasks, either directly or indirectly.

See also  Addition of two 8 bit numbers using 8051
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