High School Physics + more

Microprocessor Fundamentals

Last updated on June 3rd, 2022 at 04:19 pm

How does an assembler translate programs written in the mnemonic form to binary?

An assembler has a ‘translation dictionary’, which is stored in its memory. Mnemonics entered via keyboard is compared with this dictionary, which then retrieves its binary equivalent from the same place (dictionary).

What are the types of mnemonics possible?

Mnemonics can be of two types—alphabetical or alphanumerical.

An example of the first type is ADD D whereas, MVI A, 0F is an example of the second category.

What are source codes and object codes?

High-level languages (like BASIC, COBOL, ALGOL, etc.) are called source codes, whereas binary language is called object code.

How are high-level languages converted into binary?

The high-level languages are converted into their corresponding binary by means of another program, called either a compiler or an interpreter.

Compilers are generally used for FORTRAN, PASCAL, COBOL, etc. whereas interpreters are generally used in BASIC. M-BASIC is a common example of an interpreter for the BASIC language.

What is a ‘statement’?

Instructions written in high-level languages are known as statements.

Write down the difference between a compiler and an interpreter.

The difference between a compiler and an interpreter lies in the generation of the machine code or object code. A compiler reads the entire program first and then generates the corresponding object code. Whereas, an interpreter reads an instruction at a time, produces the corresponding object code, and executes the same before it starts reading the next instruction.

A program from a compiler runs some 5 to 25 times faster than a program from an interpreter.

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