Physics Sample Question Paper for Term 1 (CBSE Board exam for 2021-22) – paper code 042
Q23. Which of the following graphs represent the variation of current(I) with frequency (f) in an AC circuit containing a pure capacitor?

Q24. A 20 volt AC is applied to a circuit consisting of a resistance and a coil with negligible resistance. If the voltage across the resistance is 12 volt, the voltage across the coil is-
(i) 16 V
(ii) 10 V
(iii) 8 V
(iv) 6 V
Q25. The instantaneous values of emf and the current in a series ac circuit are-
E = Eo Sin ωt and I= Io sin( ωt+π/3) respectively, then it is
(i) Necessarily a RL circuit
(ii) Necessarily a RC circuit
(iii)Necessarily a LCR circuit
(iv) Can be RC or LCR circuit
This section consists of 24 multiple choice questions with overall choice to attempt any 20 questions. In case more than desirable number of questions are attempted, ONLY first 20 will be considered for evaluation.
Q26. A cylinder of radius r and length l is placed in a uniform electric field parallel to the axis of the cylinder. The total flux for the surface of the cylinder is given by-
(i) zero
(ii) π r2
(iii) E π r2
(iv) )2 Eπ r2
Q27. Two parallel large thin metal sheets have equal surface densities 26.4×10-12 C/m2 of opposite signs. The electric field between these sheets is-
(i) 1.5N/C
(ii) 1.5 x 10-16 N/C
(iii) 3 x 10-10N/C
(iv) 3N/C
Q28. Consider an uncharged conducting sphere. A positive point charge is placed outside the sphere. The net charge on the sphere is then,
(i) negative and uniformly distributed over the surface of sphere
(ii) positive and uniformly distributed over the surface of sphere
(iii) negative and appears at a point the surface of sphere closest to point charge.
(iv) Zero
Q29. Three Charges 2q, -q and -q lie at vertices of a triangle. The value of E and V at centroid of triangle will be-
(i) E#0 and V#0
(ii) E=0 and V=0
(iii) E#0 and V=0
(iv) E=0 and V#0
Q30. Two parallel plate capacitors X and Y, have the same area of plates and the same separation between plates. X has air and Y with a dielectric of constant 2, between its plates. They are connected in series to a battery of 12 V. The ratio of electrostatic energy stored in X and Y is-
(i) 4:1
(ii) 1:4
(iii) 2:1
(iv) 1:2