High School Physics + more

What type of lever is standing on toes? | second class lever in our body

Last updated on April 15th, 2021 at 02:19 pm

Standing on toes acts as a second class lever (also known as class II or type 2 lever). This is an example of the presence of a lever mechanism in the human body.

The foot acting as a lever arm with calf muscle supplying an upward effort, the weight of the body acting as a downward load, and the ball of the foot (toes) acting as the fulcrum.

As load acts in between the effort and fulcrum, this arrangement or mechanism is an example of the second class lever in the human body.

Standing on toes acts as a second class lever - showing similarity with a wheelbarrow
Standing on toes acts as a second class lever – showing similarity with a wheelbarrow
See also  Conservation of energy in Levers
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