High School Physics + more


Addition of two 8 bit numbers using 8051

In this post, we will see how to perform the addition of two 8 bit numbers using 8051 instruction set. ALGORITHM: Addition of two 8 bit numbers using 8051 Clear C – register for Carry Get the data immediately . Add the two data Store the result in memory pointed by DPTR Programming using 8051 […]

ASCII to HEX Conversion program in 8085 – PhysicsTeacher

In this post, we will see how to convert a given ASCII Character into its equivalent Hexa Decimal (HEX) number using the 8085 microprocessor program or instruction set. Algorithm for ASCII to HEX Conversion with 8085 microprocessor Load the given data in A register Subtract 30 H from A register Compare the content of A […]

MCQs on AVR microcontroller, 8255, 8051 – NPTEL assignment

This assignment (MCQs on AVR microcontroller, 8255, 8051 – NPTEL assignment) contains 14 MCQs spanned across 3 pages. Links to other pages of this assignment are available at the bottom of each page of this series. AVR microcontroller, 8255, 8051 – MCQs 1 ) Which of the following representations related to the AVR microcontrollers is […]

Difference between microprocessor and microcontroller

To understand the difference between microprocessor and microcontroller we need to understand what microcomputer system and microcontroller (i.e. single-chip microcomputer system) are. To make a complete microcomputer system, only a microprocessor is not sufficient. It is necessary to add other peripherals such as read-only memory(ROM), read/write memory(RAM), decoders, drivers, number of input/output devices to make […]

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