High School Physics + more

MCQs on 8086 microprocessor – NPTEL assignment

Last updated on March 10th, 2022 at 05:37 pm

11 ) Which of the following can be grouped as the address modes for register and immediate data in an 8086 microprocessor?

a) Register Addressing and Immediate Addressing
b) Register Addressing and Direct Addressing
c) Based Addressing and Indexed Addressing
d) String Addressing and Relative Addressing

Accepted Answers:
Register Addressing and Immediate Addressing

12 ) Which of the following is NOT a data transfer instruction in an 8086 microprocessor?

a) MOV
c) SBB

Accepted Answers:

13 ) Which of the following is a string manipulation instruction in an 8086 microprocessor?

a) REP
d) All other options

Accepted Answers:
All other options

14 ) Which of the following represents the definition of the JNP instruction in an 8086 microprocessor?

a) Jump if CF = 0
b) Jump if CF = 1
c) Jump if PF = 0
d) Jump if PF = 1

Accepted Answers:
Jump if PF = 0

15 ) Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding 8086 and 8088 microprocessors?

a) 8086 has 20-bit address bus and 8088 has 20-bit address bus
b) 8086 has 20-bit address bus and 8088 has 8-bit address bus
c) 8086 has 8-bit address bus and 8088 has 20-bit address bus
d) 8086 has 8-bit address bus and 8088 has 8-bit address bus

Accepted Answers:
8086 has 20-bit address bus and 8088 has 8-bit address bus

See also  Difference between microprocessor and microcontroller
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